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31 May 2018

Setting up Kerberos for Keystone auth with mod_auth_gssapi

by Juan Antonio Osorio Robles

I’ve been following blog posts about setting up Keystone with kerberos authentication, and recently tried to implement that manually in TripleO. Here’s how it went:

mod_auth_gssapi instead of mod_auth_kerb

Asking around, it turns out that mod_auth_kerb is not going to be supported anymore, and using mod_auth_gssapi is the preferred alternative. Unfortunately all the blogs I found were using mod_auth_kerb, so I needed to research how to use mod_auth_gssapi.

Required packages

We’ll need to install the following packages in the host where keystone is running:

Given that we run keystone in a container in TripleO, I needed to add those packages to the keystone container.


I deployed TripleO with TLS everywhere to have all the nodes enrolled to FreeIPA and set up keystone to use LDAP-backed domains as I referenced in a previous blog post.

This would leave me with a deployment where I can authenticate to keystone using users coming from FreeIPA’s LDAP.

Given that we deployed using TLS everywhere, we already have quite a bunch of service principals registered in FreeIPA, namely, we already have HTTP/overcloud-controller-<number>.<networks>.<domain>. Unfortunately, this is not a principal we can use, since the clients will authenticate to keystone by first going through HAProxy, which is listening on the external network and has the FQDN that references the ‘cloud name’. Lets say that our domain is example.com. In that case, we’ll need to have a principal that looks as follows: HTTP/overcloud.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM (assuming our kerberos realm matches the domain).

So, lets add this principal to FreeIPA:

ipa service-add HTTP/overcloud.example.com --force

Subsequently, we’ll need to tell FreeIPA that the service is being managed by another host (given that there actually isn’t a host for overcloud.example.com). Assuming we only have one controller named overcloud-controller-0.example.com, we can make it manage the service with the following command:

ipa service-add-host HTTP/overcloud.example.com --hosts=overcloud-controller-0.example.com

Having done this in the FreeIPA server, we can now go to our controller(s) and get the necessary kerberos keytab for that service:

# We get the host's credentials
kinit -kt /etc/krb5.keytab

# Using those credentials we request the keytab
ipa-getkeytab -p HTTP/overcloud.example.com -k /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone.keytab

# We change the permissions so httpd has access to the keytab
chown root:apache /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone.keytab
chmod 0660 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone.keytab

We’ll notice that I used /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/ as a path. This is because we’re using a containerized deployment in TripleO, and this is the directory that’s bind-mounted to the keystone container.

I also changed the file permissions of the keytab, so the apache process can access it.


With all the previous steps done, we can start configuring keystone’s apache instance!

To avoid issues in the container, I manually copied 10-auth_gssapi.conf to the container’s conf.modules.d directory. We can do this from the host by getting that file as 10-auth_gssapi.load into /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/httpd/conf.modules.d.

Subsequently, I added the following configuration to keystone’s apache configuration in the conf.d directory:

  WSGIScriptAlias /krb "/var/www/cgi-bin/keystone/keystone-public"
  WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/cgi-bin/keystone/keystone-public"
  WSGIPassAuthorization On

  <Location "/krb/v3/auth/tokens">
        LogLevel debug
        AuthType GSSAPI
        AuthName "GSSAPI Login"
        GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/keystone.keytab
        GssapiCredStore ccache:FILE:/var/run/keystone-krb5ccache
        GssapiLocalName On
        Require valid-user
        SetEnv REMOTE_DOMAIN freeipadomain

We’ll be able to modify this file from the host by editing /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/httpd/conf.d/10-keystone_wsgi_main.conf. Something similar will need to be done for the admin endpoint, which is in the same directory as 10-keystone_wsgi_admin.conf.

We’ll note that the WSGIScriptAlias / ... and WSGIPassAuthorization On already existed in the configuration.

It is also very relevant that the /krb route is added before the / route; else we’ll get 404 errors in our deployment.

Finally, I changed the methods configuration option that’s under the auth group in keystone.conf:

methods = external,password,token,kerberos,application_credential

With this, we can now restart the keystone container:

docker restart keystone


Note that we’ll need the package python-requests-kerberos in the client side as well.

To test this out, I created a user called ‘demo’ and a project called ‘freeipa-project’ in the LDAP-backed domain called ‘freeoipadomain’.

We need to authenticate to kerberos using the desired principal:

kinit demo

We’ll also need an rc file. For this example, it’ll look as follows:

# Clear any old environment that may conflict.
for key in $( set | awk '{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}' ); do unset $key ; done
export OS_NO_CACHE=True
export no_proxy=,overcloud.example.com,overcloud.ctlplane.example.com
export OS_CLOUDNAME=overcloud
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://overcloud.example.com:13000/krb/v3
export NOVA_VERSION=1.1
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=freeipadomain
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=freeipa-project
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3kerberos

Lets try it out!

openstack token issue --max-width 100
| Field      | Value                                                                               |
| expires    | 2018-05-31T16:02:37+0000                                                            |
| id         | gAAAAABbEA6NijwIrXbNndVrUjgAuz0MQoBLjpeKJ_K-                                        |
|            | OmU_ofYTxUlFISnX70fyWY5h99fsb50l6X5gsSCPXMLmDikzjfN4FDY-                            |
|            | bJ0LgO9PUc1ysYIbhKBRTIkkK2fbzPsrkBRbM8i-wy9vT2NP1ZFdVtYlWkYAwHE5hNY4Nf3HgaMoxj4t_IM |
|            | Fcjk_K6RHAcMXrkxuAS3yhd_NfJd5FnxmqwObNX42jx0eHaIbb5G3GQBDOkLSu2g                    |
| project_id | 39e72472bc964ebfb2faeaca1f865c0e                                                    |
| user_id    | ce2f93c933ca64e3e1d313942c0f5cd2e2c31ce8ffcaf92c83a7e4fac8c5afad                    |


Rob Crittenden sat down with me (virtually) to try to get this working. Thanks dude!

Blogs I used as references

tags: tripleo - kerberos - keystone - openstack

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